Graduate Study Programme in English: Digital Agriculture

University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek

Graduate Study Programme in English: Digital Agriculture

is a study with two majors:

  1. Crop Production
  2. Animal Production
  • All courses are conducted in English language
  • Graduate University Study Programme in English: Digital Agriculture lasts for two years (four semesters) during which the candidate must acquire at least 120 ECTS credits
  • Upon completion of the graduate university study programme in English: Digital Agriculture students gains the academic title Master of Agriculture (M. Sc. in Agriculture)
  • The study programme in the first year of study (i.e. first and second semester) is the same for both majors, and the study programme in the second year of study (i.e. third and fourth semester) is different and separated by majors.
  • The study programme of the first year of study contains 14 compulsory courses with a total of 60 ECTS credits.
  • The study programme of the second year of the Plant Production major contains 11 compulsory courses (a total of 41 ECTS credits), while the study programme of the second year of the Animal Production major contains 10 compulsory courses (a total of 36 ECTS credits).
  • The remaining 19 ECTS credits in Plant Production major and 24 ECTS credits in Animal Production major are going to be achieved by students taking the courses selected from the list of 29 elective courses.
  • Elective courses are divided into six blocks:
    1. Bioeconomics,
    2. Crop production,
    3. Agricultural Engineering,
    4. Computer Science,
    5. Plant Protection,
    6. Animal Production.
  • Elective courses are arranged in blocks to make it easier for students to make a complete choice in the direction of emphasizing certain competencies (e.g. in the field of bioeconomics or agricultural technology or computer science…). However, students will be able to choose the entire block with all the elective courses of a particular block or individual courses from the blocks without restriction, depending on their own preferences and competencies they want to emphasize.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes of the Digital Agriculture, Plant Production study program:

  1. Manage collected data and databases (design and model databases; big data management) in agricultural production
  2. Compare the available hardware and software components of digital agriculture in the field of crop production
  3. Select the optimal agricultural technique for sustainable crop production in conventional and precision agriculture
  4. Select available technological solutions, analytical methods and information technologies for analysis, forecasting and decision-making in crop production management
  5. Design sustainable plant production technology in optimal and specific socio-economic, environmental and technological conditions
  6. Recommend the application of innovations in agriculture and the system and technologies of precision agricultural production
  7. Create computer decision-making systems, models and simulations for the management and development of production technologies and agricultural systems.

Learning outcomes of the Digital Agriculture, Animal Production study program:

  1. Manage collected data and databases (design and model databases; big data management) in agricultural production
  2. Compare the available hardware and software components of digital agriculture in the field of animal production
  3. Select the optimal agricultural technique for sustainable animal production in conventional and precision agriculture
  4. Select available technological solutions, analytical methods and information technologies for analysis, forecasting and decision-making in animal production management
  5. Design sustainable animal production technology in optimal and specific socio-economic, environmental and technological conditions
  6. Recommend the application of innovations in agriculture and the system and technologies of precision agricultural production
  7. Create computer decision-making systems, models and simulations for the management and development of production technologies and agricultural systems.

ICT u poljoprivrednim znanostima

Studenti zajedničkog sveučilišnog diplomskog studija „ICT u poljoprivrednim znanostima“ na engleskom jeziku završetkom studija steći će 120 ECTS bodova i akademski stupanj magistra inženjera (mag. ing. agr.).

Studij kroz 4 semestra uključuje obvezne predmete iz polja poljoprivrede i računarstva s najvećim naglaskom na nastavne cjeline (teorijske i praktične) primjene informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija u poljoprivrednim proizvodnim, stručnim i znanstvenim sustavima.

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