Što radimo
Pomažemo poljoprivrednicima pretvoriti podatke u informacije kroz integraciju agronomskih znanja i tehnoloških rješenja!
• Prodajemo hardverska i softverska rješenja
• Analiziramo poslovne procese
• Implementiramo i provodimo projekte digitalizacije i transformacije (priprema dokumentacije, usporedba i ocjenjivanje različitih dobavljača, analiza ključnih indikatora uspješnosti, koordinacija ključnih dionika, i sl…)
• Testiramo potencijalna AgTech rješenja kroz konceptualno prilagođene scenarije
• Implementiramo AgTech rješenja
• Pružamo konzultantske usluge vezane uz integraciju različitih sustava u jednu funkcionalnu cjelinu
Cilj nam je svakom poljoprivredniku omogućiti održivi razvoj te profitabilnost kroz primjenu agrotehnoloških rješenja!
Holistic Solutions
Why work with us?
Tailor-made solutions based on the needs of your farm. Our team is available for you every day within the project duration and afterwards as well. Communication and teamwork is our number one priority.
10+ years of international experience with modern technological solutions in agriculture and food production value chain.
Our references and the experiences of our clients speak for us. Quality is what we offer and what we stand for. A standard we do not abandon.
We are actively involved in agriculture and we know the daily challenges of a farmer. We know what it means to get up early and be a servant to the field, and at the same time, we are well aware of other administrative and other challenges in doing business and interacting with government agencies or value chain stakeholders.
From spring to winter. From seeding to harvest. We are here for you even after the completion of the project for monitoring and analysing data, maintenance or other services according to your needs.
Formal education in field of information technology and agriculture.