We are very proud to announce that we have reached another big milestone in our mission to revolutionise agricultural operations! ? ? ?

Digital Agro is now a Certified Training Center for #Pix4Dfields! ? ? ?

✅ This certification will allow us to provide our clients with the necessary skills and knowledge to use #Pix4Dfields effectively. We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service, and we believe that our certification as a training center will help us to achieve this goal.

We are also pleased to announce that our colleague, Tin Batur, is now a certified #Pix4Dfields trainer. Congratulations Tin! ? ? ?

This means that he has extended his expertise to provide our clients with the best possible training. With #Pix4Dfields, our clients will be able to create prescription maps and maximize crop yields. We are excited to be able to offer this service to our clients and look forward to working with you and the team from Pix4D Agriculture

#digitalagro #certifiedtraining #education #precisionagriculture #precisionfarming #pix4dagriculture

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