Precision Agriculture

Services >
Precision agriculture

Crop Analysis

We will identify and analyse your crops with our Precision Agriculture Tecnology

Standard duration: 1-5 days

What we do?

Digital Agro provides:

  • farmers with an opportunity to make more informed decisions, allowing for a more integrated approach to crop protection and farm management
  • actionable insights to optimize production and to quantify underperforming areas
  • output to help teams manage daily work and intervene at the right time and place
  • reduced cost needed for inspection
  • services to Insurance and Government institutions to inspect defined areas or hard to reach areas


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Crop input application

Precise application of needed inputs for your crops

Standard duration: 1-5 days

What we do?

Digital Agro provides actionable insights to optimize production and to quantify underperforming areas, as well as centimetre level precise:

  • input application
  • foliar feeding for orchards or vineyards
  • seed distribution
Request a Quotation or Reach out for additional information

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